
I love gooseberries. Eight standard gooseberry bushes line my garden path; ‘Wyndham’s Industry’ they are, and  they stand, ever present, like a guard of honour in rain or shine, wind and snow, beautiful both in early summer when clad in brilliant green young berries and then, in their dormancy, when their naked branches are attired in soft grey and sulphur-yellow lichens.”

Image400gooseberries is the productive home of Pam Corbin (aka ‘Pam the Jam’), preserving champion and author of the  River Cottage handbooks ‘Preserves” and ‘Cakes’. But why 400 gooseberries? – those green, hairy, sometimes scary, berries of the month of May.  Deliciously tart, these lively pectin packed parcels are a welcome signal that summers on the way and the years jam making will soon begin.

Keeping seasonality in mind, 400gooseberries will share with you monthly thoughts, recipes, tips about foodie affairs and things for you to take, make, do and enjoy.